information about using beware ircd

if you want to use beware ircd you are strongly encouraged to read this; atleast the parts which apply to you. it may contain essential information, or answer questions you may have.


install the program

beware ircd is downloaded as zip file. to install, create a new folder, and unzip the files into it. The program is now installed, and in fact, you could now already run the server, using the default settings.

you can manage the server from a dos shell without access to the desktop, but if you do use the desktop, you can double click the batch files.

The program does not run visible; there are is no window, tray-icon, etc. it just runs.

The files are:
bircd.exemain executable.
rehash.batre-load configuration files
restart.batrestart server
stop.batterminate server
example.confhow to make or edit ircd.conf
ircd.motdempty MOTD file

configure the program

for configuration, there are 2 files: ircd.conf and bircd.ini. they can be read and edited with a text editor such as notepad.

ircd.conf uses a standard (ircu) ircd.conf compatible format with "conf lines". read the default shipped ircd.conf for basic information or example.conf for detailed information. it should be easy to find help about ircd.conf on internet.

bircd.ini contains all "settings" which alter the behavior of bircd. all settings are in setting=value format, and have a comment which explains what the setting does.

almost all changes to the config files can be applied to a running server using "rehash" - thus without bringing the server down.

install as NT system service

This is recommended if you want to run the server permanently, and you have windows NT (NT4, 2000, XP, or later)

Install: type "bircd install" on a dos prompt when you're in the beware ircd directory.

This will do 2 things: add an entry to the services database, and set an option in bircd.ini so it will run as service.

After you've done this, start the service using "net start bewareircd", and do not start bircd.exe normally - it won't work.

To uninstall, type "bircd uninstall". this will remove bewareircd from the services list, and unset the option in bircd.ini so it runs normally.

note: if you want to use a custom service name (for example as to run another server as service) change "ntservicename=" in bird.ini BEFORE you install the service.

"bircd install auto" will install the service in a way that it starts automatically when windows starts.

problem: server does not start

host hiding

host hiding means preventing a user from seeing someone else's real host/IP, to protect against DoS etc.

For users, there is user mode +x to get a hidden host as defined in the vhost* settings in bircd.ini; a "" as on undernet, a crypted IP, or everyone the same host (as defined in the ini). other modes may be added later.

For privileged users/network staff, there is "sethost" (/sethost command, S:lines in ircd.conf, sethost* settings in bircd.ini) to get an arbitrary/custom host.

important: if using host hiding, the following settings in bircd.ini to "1": secretnotices, secrettrace, secretstats. because they would allow users to see real hosts.

become IRC Operator

You don't need it to manage the server, you can change configuration from the commandline. but if you must: edit ircd.conf, add a line:


for your own mask, /whois yourself.



save changes, use rehash.bat to apply changes. in your client, type /oper name password
Note, if you use the userid@ part, you must have ident.

irc operator privileges

make a MOTD

the MOTD is a text file, "ircd.motd" in the same directory as bircd.exe. you can create/edit it for example with notepad. be sure there is no ".txt" suffix (one should not hide file extensions)


if you link servers, it is important to note bircd heavily depends on the so called TS. simply said: the time. it uses it for decisions like "who was first". Do this: run time synchronization software to sync to "atom" time, and verify it. *or* set "reliableclock=0" in bircd.ini. setting this option to 1 if your pc clock is wrong is a Bad Thing and will cause all kinds of problems.

link 2 (or more) servers

each server needs in it's ircd.conf, a C:line for the other server. format C:address:password:name:port:class. each server needs a C:line with the info of the other server. the password needs to be the same in both C:lines.

note that you can use a hostname instead of an IP, but only if the IP's reverse dns is that hostname. this is a limitation fo beware ircd. "free dns forward" names will not work.

then as ircop do command: /connect (name of other server)

for an automatic connection, you need to fill in the port field (default 4400). in the Y:line of the class (the last number in the C:line), set the "connection" frequency. Y:class:pingfreq:connectfreq:maxlinks:sendq for example Y:20:30:300:1:1000000

free dynamic DNS forward problem:

it can be your IP changes all the time (dynamic IP) and you use a dns name which resolves to that IP. problem is bircd can't *reverse* the IP to the hostname, so even though bircd can connect to the dns name, the accepting end can't verify that the incoming IP is actually the dns name mentioned in the C:line. workaround:
make a C:line with the dns name. make a N:line with the same fields, but with the IP mask which always matches the IP. example:
the "name" field must be the name the other server has in the M:line rather than the DNS hostname.
note that for the mask, you can also use CIDR notation. and since your accepting from a whole range of IP's, choose a good password.

if you get errors like these: "Server numeric collision (ABAH])" that means theres more than 1 server using the same server numeric. change the numeric, the last parameter in the M:line in ircd.conf, so all servers have a *different* value.

services (chanserv, etc)

services are not a builtin feature of an ircd, it is a separate program which can be downloaded, installed and configured. read on my "services" page about services which you can choose.

services link as server. it is in fact a "pseudo server", which appears on a net like for example "". it brings "pseudo clients", which appear as users with nicks like ChanServ, etc. minimum configuration which needs to be done in services is this:

configuration needed for the ircd: make a C:line with the IP from which the services connect, the chosen link password, and the name of the services server. also a H:line for the services server.
All servers on the net should have a U:line with the name of the services server, and the nicks of the services clients.
(read example.conf for details).

example ircd.conf lines for services:

Add the following line to the ircd.conf of all servers on the net (but with the name and nicks which apply to your net):,ChanServ,MemoServ,OperServ:

You fill in the nicks which you want to reserve. for example if the service bot appears as "Z" you add "Z" there.

note: if the services runs on the same machine as the ircd to which it connects, you can use IP address

how to use multihomed system (virtual host) support

one may have a machine with multiple IP addresses, and want to run bircd on one of the IP's, maybe have multiple instances of bircd, each on an IP. this is possible. in ircd.conf, set the interface IP for outgoing server connections in the M:line. and the interface IP to accept incoming connections on in the P:lines, as example IP "" is used: fullname field::12

Copyright (c) 2002 Bas Steendijk, All rights reserved